International Students

On-Campus Work

F-1 and J-1 international students attending UGA, who have an I-20 form (F-1 student) or a DS-2019 form (J-1 student) issued by UGA, can work part-time during academic semesters, and full -time over vacation terms or breaks, on any of UGA’s campuses.

F-1 status students do not need any special authorization or documentation, as long as they have been maintaining legal status in the U.S.

J-1 status students must have written authorization from an Immigration Services (IS) advisor at UGA prior to accepting on campus employment.

Dependent Employment

An F-2 (dependent of an F1 student) cannot work or study while in the U.S. J-2 (dependent of a J1) status individuals can work if they have applied for and received a temporary work card authorizing them for employment.

Outside Sponsored Students

An F-1 or J-1 status student sponsored by another U.S. school can work at UGA with authorization from either that school listed on the I-20 form or DS-2019 form (Curricular Practical Training or Academic Training), or from U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) in the form of a temporary work card (Optional Practical Training).

Pathways for Engaging International Graduate Students (PDF)
Internationl Travel Quick Links