Proposing Student Exchanges

Reciprocal student exchange programs are developed in order to enable the exchange, usually 1:1, of students between the University of Georgia and a partner institution abroad. Incoming international exchange students are admitted to UGA as non-degree seeking students; likewise, outgoing UGA students enroll as transient students at an approved partner institution and transfer completed coursework back to UGA. The process for proposing a student exchange is as follows:

  1. Consultation

    • UGA faculty consult with partner colleagues about potential student exchange
    • UGA faculty consult with International Partnerships (IP) about exchange, including fit with current exchange portfolio
    • UGA faculty should be familiar with the academics and environment at partner institution and may wish to visit campus
  2. Proposal & Review

  3. Negotiation

    • IP or UGA faculty reach out to partner with student exchange templates or reviews partner templates
    • IP negotiates revisions to terms of contract
    • IP clears contract terms with Office of Legal Affairs
  4. Execution

    • One institution initiates signature and sends partially signed agreements to partner
    • Second institution signs agreement and returns fully signed original to partner
    • IP coordinates routing for signature and keeps agreement
  5. Follow Through

    • Student exchange commences
    • UGA faculty help to recruit students for exchange and maintain contact with colleagues at partners
    • UGA Student Exchange Committee reviews student exchanges that come up for renewal
    • Agreement may be renewed if appropriate

Requirements and Recommendations for Student Exchange:

  • Academically rigorous coursework in a properly accredited institution
  • Non-native English speakers coming to UGA meet UGA’s English requirements
  • Sufficient demand at each university to attend the partner institution
  • Balanced exchange ration with sufficient tuition and fees from outgoing students to cover incoming students
  • Compatibility of academic calendars
  • Safe environment for studies and other activities
  • Opportunities to study in a region or country or a field of study not sufficiently served by other exchanges
  • Avoidance of concentration in certain high-demand disciplines without the permission of the specific UGA department and college
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